The Empowering Moms program at Parents in Toto consists of small support groups and educational programs to help women connect as new moms & throughout their parenting journey. Parents in Toto wants to embrace whole family needs and the early years transition is often the first big time of growth.
Our mission is to empower women to gain confidence as new moms through a validating, diverse, and accepting community setting.
With Empowering Moms, you’ll find many safe spaces to be honest, be imperfect, get encouragement and feel less alone. Here’s what we currently offer:
Weekly groups and calls for new moms
Toddler time groups every other week for moms and their 1 and 2 year olds.
Monthly support groups for moms.
Monthly support calls for secondary infertility.
Monthly workshops or topical calls on parenting areas.
An online forum for continual support.
Community support through meal delivery and care packages.
Monthly social connections such as Moms nights out, book clubs and more.
Come get support, feel connected and know you’re not in this alone.
Some answers to frequently asked questions: Second and third time moms can come to “New Moms group” or calls! It’s all still new for you! If you have a “walker” they would most likely enjoy toddler time! Younger siblings (under 1) can come to Toddler time. There is no fee required. Donations help keep our program going. You can join calls from outside the Pittsburgh Area. We do more programming beyond these groups and moms in all stages can come to nights out, workshops, park meet ups. Sign up for our email to get the updates. We have an inclusive, SUPPORTIVE, no-judgement approach to parenting and all parenting styles are welcome as valid! Filling out our Form (linked on our website) is how you get on our email list and info about our program options!