Family Photos are Important to Your Kids, Too!
Family photos and photos of your children are so important to you, but they are also important to your kids! The other morning, my daughter, Elliana, woke up and called me into her room. She was happy to be awake and happy to see me. Then, she started to talk about the picture on her dresser. It was a family photo we had taken when she was brand new! Just me, my husband, and my daughter are pictured.
Elliana wanted me to pull it from the dresser so she could hold it. I told her the photo was taken before her sister was born, and it was just the three of us in the picture. My daughter pointed out everyone in the photo and then started to hug the image in the frame.
My heart started to sing.
She was so happy to have this photo of her family. Ellie loved the picture and everyone in it. And then, she hugged the photo like it meant the world to her to have!
I don’t think I will ever forget this moment.
As mothers, we want to remember everything. Every moment is precious, every memory is sweet. And this is one of the reasons why I love photography.
I have a horrible memory, but when I look at my photos, I can relive the moment. I can remember why it was taken and what we were doing. But that day showed me that those photos aren’t just important to me – they are important to my children as well.
I was so taken aback when Ellie hugged that frame.
She is a very loving child, so her sharing that emotion was not new to me. But for her to see so much love in that image, it validated what I do on a whole new level.
I placed that photo in her room for that exact reason! I wanted her to see her family and know that she was loved. And wow! Her reaction made me want to cry. That is exactly what she felt, appreciated it, and loved it! What more could you ask for?
I’m sharing this story with you to say – please don’t miss out on moments like this!
I know how hard it is to find the time to get photos of your family, but it is too important to put off. These pictures are NOT just for YOU. They are for your kids too! Your family photos, the beautiful images you put up on your walls, are just as much for your children as they are for you. They instill a love in your children that will be with them forever!
Don’t keep your photos on your hard drive.
Do NOT keep them locked in boxes in the attic. Hang your pictures proudly on the walls. Update your family photos. Show your children who you are and who they are. Show them how much you love them.
Book your photo session now! Please don’t wait to show your kids your beautiful family and how much they mean to you!
Some Helpful Tips for Booking Your Infant or Child’s Photography Session:
1. When researching photographers, make sure they fit in your budget, match the style you like, and will provide the finished products you want.
2. Only schedule your session when you can truly fit it in so you won’t feel rushed.
3. Choose a time that your kids are happiest (do not schedule during nap time and make sure their tummies are full).
Just these three tips alone will make your experience better and take the stress off of planning your session. So don’t hesitate, find your photographer and book that session. It is time to get those memories on your wall!
Article provided by Amy Pazur, President/CEO, Moments & Co.
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